West County Hawk Watch

West County HawkWatch Citizen Scientist Group
West County Hawkwatch (WCHW) is a regional group of interpretive specialist's and photographers focused on raptor identification and birds of prey natural history. Passionate about nature, hawks, conservation and wildlife, most members have been studying and working with nature their whole life, specializing in raptors for two decades.
Our goal is to get people out into the field and see these magnificent Birds of Prey going about their daily business. With a informative and engaging atmosphere we can share the excitement Raptors bring and understand some of their intriguing behaviors. We can learn how to identify them through some basic identification traits as well as some more advanced observations. Understanding what types of habitat they need to succeed and thrive, thus a better understanding of land use, protection and potential hazards. Birds of Prey act as an Environmental Barometer, when something is wrong with them, something is wrong with the environment, and we need to take action. Come out and learn with us, we have fun, see lots of wildlife on our tours, hikes and walks. We also offer several classroom workshops every year to help learn identification and natural history.
Schedule of Events
Educational Videos
Photo Gallery
Raptors seen on past hikes, and events

To view more photos from our events, click the links below.

Donations Help Us Soar
Funds help with:
#1 our Books for Kids program,
#2 Optics for guests (loaner Binoculars & Scope)
#3 docent training materials (optics, books & files)
and #4 maintenance /cost of webpages and media public outreach programs.
We thank you very much for considering to help, we lost 5 pairs of binoculars, 100 books and decades of materials in the recent Tubbs Fire.

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